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November 20, 2011


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Beth - kim branson from Alaska, here -- I came to your blog a few minutes ago to check out your post about Sharon Callis/Christmas Bonanza -- but your post title, "Gratitude, Attitude and angry Beth" caught my attention.

I read the first two paragraphs with a grin on my face, so happy that you and Don received such heartfelt and well-deserved love and appreciation for your service and sacrifice for our country.

However, as I progressed through your story of Pita, I could feel your anger and later, your grief. I finished reading with tears in my eyes and a warmth of emotion and new appreciation for you and for all military families.

Thank you for sharing and bearing your heart. I miss hanging out with you at crops and retreats, but am thankful to be able to keep up with you and Don through Facebook and now, your blog.

Blessings on you both and the doggies - have a lovely Christmas and a joyous 2012 <3

Beth, you have always been such an amazing writer - thank you so much for expressing yourself so vividly - and for sharing your story. I am forever in awe of how you live and love - thank you so much for being you. And thank you also for the sacrifices you and Don make for this amazing country.
God Bless America!
Love, Dalon

I came over here on Stephanie Howell's recommendation. All I can say is "wow" and "thank you".

I just found you from Stephanie Howell's blog. What an awesome post. Thank you! Can't wait to start following your blog!

I saw a link to this post at Stephanie Howell's blog and once I finish crying, I'll be adding you to Google Reader.
Thank you, Beth.
Thank YOU, and thank your husband and family and friends.

Beth - I am so sorry that happened to you. As you know, I am not a military wife, but I was a long time ago. To me, though, it doesn't matter if we are military or not, I appreciate and support the military wholeheartedly. We have alot of friends who are active duty and retired military, but living in this military town, sometimes you get a little numb to what is going on. We read in the paper about another death, another deployment and it just becomes normal. After reading your post, I will never just take these things for granted and accept them as normal. Instead, I will remember your post and remember always what just the absence of the spouse/parent is doing to the family - not just a death of a loved one. When I see you next time, I will be giving you a big ol' hug!!! (and I hope to never meet "angry beth"!!!) ;)

I also came over from Stephanie Howell's blog. I am glad there are strong women like you holding the fort down at home. My husband served in the army, thankfully during a peaceful time. But I have had several family members in the Canadian forces. God Bless you and your husband and friends in the military.

I came to your blog from Stephanie's and I recognized your name right away. I was in your crafting group in Columbus but was never able to make it to any of the get togethers. I'm also a military spouse, and your post brought me to tears. I understand your feelings 100% and have thought these same thoughts many times. My husband has been in the Army for 14 years and he's lost far too many friends. Thank you for your wonderful post. I hope everyone who reads it gains a little insight about what it's like to be a military spouse.

Thank you for how much you taught me with your post. I am grateful to you, and to your husband and his friends.


From this military wife...Thank You for your honesty and your sacrifice!

Came over after seeing your blog on Stephanie Howells blog...and I am sitting here sobbing. I completely get this. I am a 14 year Army wife, and I couldn't have expressed it better. ((HUGS)) to you, I know that had to be very hard.

I also came here because of Steph Howells blog. You are one incredible person and I thank you for all the sacrifices you make as a solder's wife!

I, too, am here because of Stephanie's suggestion. I am not a crier, and I try to compartmentalize me feelings because my s-i-l is also one of those Rangers. This is the first time in a very long time that I have literally sobbed while reading something. I'm so proud of you for standing up for our soldiers, for getting angry. Please don't apologize for it. Thank you.

Your post moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing this piece of your life. I am so grateful for our soldiers and their families. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!

I came here because of Stephanie Howell's blog. Thank you for sharing your heart. As one comment above said "thank you really doesn't seem to cover it" but I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

I came to your blog because of dear Stephanie's post. I am so thankful for your honesty, your genuine feelings and your passion. I have never read your blog before, but I know that I will now. Thank you for sharing what so many wives can't put into words.

Thank you doesn't begin to cover it, but that's all I've got.

You're awesome, Beth. Thank you for writing this.

Man did you nail it!

I have lived in a family of military men all my life. I feared for their safety all the time. I didn't let it consume me, but I'll be darned if I'm gonna let someone belittle our soldiers... it is every Americans duty to uphold the honor of our soldiers!

I was not aware of the burden military wife's carry, but I make a point of addressing every soldier (or their wife if they are not present) I can to tell them thank you. I also make sure my kids understand what those soldiers risk and, in some cases, have to give up for our country. We owe them our lives!

God bless you, your family and all of our committed soldiers... we will never be able to do enough for them!

Wow. I have no words. Such a powerful post. I am not a military wife but I have many family members who have served. I watch my dad let out tiny, tiny bits & pieces of Vietnam. I lost an uncle shortly after coming home from the same war and wish I could have known him (I was only 4 or 5 yrs old). I can't imagine not only living what you have gone through but then to have to deal with ignorant people. We are all very, VERY grateful for every single soldier & their families & all of the sacrifices you have made.

Wonderful post. God bless you and your family.

From one military spouse to another..Thank you.

I think it's sweet when people thank military spouses because I don't think a majority of Americans really do or can know what they go through. In the ten years I have been married to my husband who has been in the military for 12 years someone thanked ME this Veteran's day. Needless to say I was moved to tears.

Thank you for posting this blog.

WOW! My husband is in the Air Force. I use to be in the Air Force. Veteran's Day use to just be a day off. But the older I get it as become a very emotional holiday that I love. So many times we have lived on base where everyone is military. Now we live off base and I see the neighbor kids that come over to play and stare in awe when my husband walks in in uniform. I have noticed my kids watching this and I hope they are always thankful and proud.

What a powerful post. I'm not an American, nor do I know anyone in uniform. But I do have the utmost respect to anyone who unselfishly sacrifices his/her life for his country. I can only imagine the emotions and life in general for you ladies. All of you will continually be in my prayers. *hugs*

i told you this already, but it's like you snuck into my heart and wrote my most private thoughts. i pray i get to meet you in person soon and hug your neck. thank you for being brave enough to hit publish. xxo

Well, I think this is the first time I have been brought to tears by your blog. What a powerful, thought provoking way to start my day!
Love you BK!

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